Friday, August 5, 2011

Getting Started with QR codes for Real Estate

So you're looking to dive in with QR codes for real estate?  

This article will tell you the steps to get started.

Step 1)  Decide how you want to implement your QR codes.

There are many different places that you can put a QR code to achieve good results.  The top 2 are on the back of your business card, and on your for sale sign.  Putting a QR code on your listing's sign is a great way to instantly put information in a prospective buyers hand.  The back of your business card is a clever way to put additional information into a prospective sellers hands and to show your high technological acumen to the industry and to your sellers.

A UPC Property Profile
When you go to your next listing appointment it is highly suggested that you bring in one of your real estate sign riders that has a QR code on it.  Universal Property Code ( is a QR code company that makes it very easy to manage all your QR codes for real estate.  Free QR codes are okay for a 1 time use, but services like allow you to reuse the QR code over and over again.  

Take a QR code in to your appointment and scan it with your phone in front of the client.  Show them a homes information and watch how impressed they are.  Take it one more level and enter their house's information before you show up, you will knock their socks off.

Step 2) Make your first QR code

If you want to try making a free code online, that is perfectly fine.  Be aware that once you create it, you usually can't change the destination URL.  If you have it go to your web page, then it will always go to your web page.  If you use a QR code service like UPC (which is $1 per code per month) then you can change the destination anytime you want.  You can have it go to your website one minute, then a YouTube video the next minute.  

Once you have your first code in your hand, scan it.  Scan just as you would if you were a customer.  See what happens.

If the Internet gods are kind to you and your free code was set up correctly, it should pop you to your website.  If it doesn't get you to where you need to go then you need to create another new code.  If you are using a service like UPC and it does not take you where you need to go, log in to the service, change the destination, and re-scan the same code to get a different result.

Step 3) Place AND test your code 

Now that you have your working code(s) you need to get them out there to the public!  Once you have put your code on your real estate sign or sign rider, you have to test it.  Make sure it is visible from the street and see how your phones signal strength is.  The potential buyer will not like if there is no cell service at the property and they can't get any information from the code!  If you are in a remote location it might be best to skip the QR code.

Now your reusable QR code's are working to get your buyers the information they want right now!

Helpful links:

About Me

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Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
We provide QR codes for real estate. Easy to use interface and code gets emailed to you instantly. Try us out, $1 per month