Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dive in to Reusable QR Codes for Real Estate

You've seen them around.
You've seen them at conventions.
You've downloaded a free QR code scanning app or two (If you haven't shame on you, download our free QR code scanning app by searching "Universal Property Code").
You've scanned a code at least once to see what they are all about.
Now its time to get started using UPC's reusable qr codes for real estate!

Reusable QR codes by UPC, LLC
Here is a list of the things you will need to get started
±10 minutes (it is quick to get up and running)
A Credit Card (The cost is $1 per code)
Your properties information
An Internet connection (which you have if you are reading this!)

If you run into any problems during your account creation just give us a call, we are here to help 480-626-4566.

Step 1 Registration:
Navigate to http://universalpropertycode.com and click register in the upper right corner.

You will be asked to enter in your name, company name, website etc.  This information can always be changed later so here are the most important parts of the registration:
  • Enter in your cell phone number so that you can receive texts from potential customers
  • Include the http:// in your website so that users will be able to link to your site
You will be asked to upload your agent photo along with your company logo:
  • Upload square photos (same height and width) for best results
  • You are able to change these later so don't worry about skipping to the next step
Next you will be asked to agree with our terms of service (dang lawyers) and enter in a captcha code to ensure that you are not a computer.

When you click to continue, a message will pop up saying that you need to verify your email address.  Open up your email inbox and find the email from registration@universalpropertycode.com.  It comes instantly so if you do not see it, your firewall may be blocking it as bulk/spam.  

Once you have verified your email address go to http://universalpropertycode.com and log in.

Step 2 Entering Property Information:
You begin by entering in information for one of your listings.  If you just want to link to a URL skip the next three paragraphs.

You may enter in as much or as little information that you want.  The required fields are Price and Address.  You may enter in an MLS number for realtor reference but this will not import the data. 

The description field has a maximum of 800 characters (MLS standard) so it is best to cut and paste this description from your MLS.

When you have entered in all the fields that you want to, select the "save and continue" button.  This will take you to step 2 where you can email yourself the codes.  

You can select to either send yourself the code art by itself, or on ready made rider art that includes some steps for the potential scanners.  You can resend the codes to yourself at anytime by logging in, clicking on the "my properties" tab, selecting the link on the left that says send me my code.  Like the verification email these codes will be sent to you immediately once you have an active paid account.

Select continue and you will be taken to the Activate and Pay page.  This is the page where you enter in your credit card information.  All payments are made securely with encryption and third party payment handling.  


Now you are up and running with the latest and greatest QR code technology!  Print your code on a durable material and let the public scan to their hearts content. You've done it, you've created a reusable QR code that you will never have to replace again.

Go ahead and pat yourself on the back.

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About Me

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Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
We provide QR codes for real estate. Easy to use interface and code gets emailed to you instantly. http://Universalpropertycode.com Try us out, $1 per month