Thursday, March 10, 2011

With our reusable QR codes, the definition of insanity does not apply

Albert Einstein - Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. 

You can scan one of our UPC (QR) codes 1 second and scan the exact same code a second later, and the results can be dramatically different.

UPC provides QR codes that you can have point to any URL on the web or even display robust property information with our app.  You can change the destination URL at anytime!

The most eco-friendly robust QR code solution on the market.  With one of our codes you can be sent to a youtube video one moment and then to a real estate home page the next.  Your options are unlimited!

Only $1 per month per code.  Try us out  Follow this blog, our twitter, or like us on facebook.  Contact us through any of those social media outlets and we will send you a coupon code for unlimited free codes for 3 months.

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Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
We provide QR codes for real estate. Easy to use interface and code gets emailed to you instantly. Try us out, $1 per month