Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Reusable QR Codes - Avoiding a QR code disaster - Best practices with QR codes

As we all have been learning over the past year, QR codes are a great way to market, especially in real estate.  Nothing, however, is more disappointing and negative to QR codes than creating a dud of a QR code that points to nothing, or something as good as nothing.

Your QR code campaign must be enticing and give satisfaction to those who scan it.  That is the whole purpose of creating a QR code campaign.  People want satisfaction when they scan a QR code.  You must do everything in your power to avoid being the person that doesn't get the details right in a QR code.  Don't be this person to the right.  They made a mistake in their QR code.  They entered in "URL:http://" when they should have just entered "http://".  This means that the moment they created their QR code it was completely useless.  They furthered the blunder by actually putting the QR code into an article.  Curious readers (like myself) scanning this QR code will be completely dissatisfied that nothing whatsoever happens when you scan the code.

People have a insatiable appetite to be satisfied, and that is what you MUST do when you are creating a QR code campaign.  Your QR code must be fully tested and ready to go as soon as it is created.  Give people a coupon, information, cool videos, great pictures, useful contact information, but whatever you do, do not give them nothing!

Steps to avoiding a QR code disaster

There are several key pitfalls that must be avoided.

You must control the destination content of the QR code.  If your QR code goes to a YouTube video or a website then you must have access to the video or website.  Never create a QR code that points to someone else's content.  If they change it or put something vulgar up, you will have a disaster.

You must scan the code yourself.  If you do not try the campaign out yourself then you are being foolhardy and deserve your disaster.

Use a QR code that you can change after publishing.  Having the ability to change the destination URL at anytime (even after creation) is an extremely effective tool for avoiding QR code disasters.  If you use a company like http://UniversalPropertyCode.com then you get the opportunity to correct QR code mistakes after creation. At http://UniversalPropertyCode.com you can change where a code points to at anytime.  Their codes are reusable.

Make certain the code is large enough to scan.  You must scan your code on the media that you are marketing in.  If you are putting a QR code in the paper, make sure it is large enough to scan.  If it is on your business card, try it out.  Prototype QR codes often work great, then when it comes to the real marketing, a little more testing would go a long way.

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Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
We provide QR codes for real estate. Easy to use interface and code gets emailed to you instantly. http://Universalpropertycode.com Try us out, $1 per month