Wednesday, March 2, 2011

QR code real estate - When will the iPad be obsolete?

The iPad 2 debuted today with Steve Jobs giving the keynote.  It boasts a faster processor, 9x faster graphics display, 33% thinner, and cameras on front and back (just like the iPhone and iPod touch). 

The device is seriously advanced and makes even the slightly technical person marvel at its complexity.  I remember when I was young seeing a Star Trek episode and wondering if I would ever see some of the cool devices in my lifetime.  The iPad seems to be the first (Steve Jobs clearly must be a star trek fan).

As hard as it is to fathom people will absolutely look back at the iPad 2 and think that it is ancient technology that has been far surpassed.

It is improbable that we will ever be able to see in the future to what is going to happen with all of our technology.  Will our technology be our demise?

So what should we do in the here and now?  Embrace the technology that we have and use the technology that makes our lives easier and more productive.  There are many useless and mindless games that have come out on Apple and on Android.  On the other hand there are a plethora of useful apps that do seem to make life easier and more productive.

Use what you can and continue to incorporate technology in to your job.  More efficiency and productivity seem to be some major ingredients in success.  Don't be stubborn and fight the technology.  Use it.

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