Monday, February 28, 2011

QR code real estate - Is it economical to create your own mobile enabled website and create QR codes?

As most people know, you can create free QR codes on the Internet.  You can make them have some text data in them or point to a website (which almost all do).  When thinking about using these QR codes for your real estate company you need to figure out if it is worth the cost to take on the project. 

Here are the steps to getting your own QR codes up and running.

1) Find a QR code generator that is free and easy for you to use and that can print in large formats.

2) Decide whether you are going to make property specific websites or a catchall link to your website
(catchall links are not as desirable since the person scanning the sign wants information only about the property that he is standing in front of)

3) Hire an in-house or contract web developer that can create an individual mobile enabled website for each of your listings. 
(Remember whenever a home sells, that particular QR code is no longer usable.  Your web developer will need to create each new listing as you get them.  This is the expensive and headache part of the process, this can cost thousands of dollars and is an ongoing necessity.)

4) Create rider/sign artwork that you can send to your sign company that has the QR code embedded in it.

5) Create a system whereby you can keep track of each QR code so that you know which sign should go in front of which listing.

That's it!  The most expensive part of the process is the ongoing web developer time and cost that you will have to do for every property.  It will be a very cool marketing scheme but will cost you thousands (if not tens of thousands) of dollars a year.

Or you can have UPC, LLC give you an all-in-one solution for $1 per month per code.

Visit to get started

The best thing is our QR codes are re-usable so once you have the sign made you will not have to throw it away when the property sells, just move it to another property.  Our property information is displayed right on our app so no website backbone html coding is necessary!  If you can hit the upload photo button then you can use our solution.

UPC is an all in one QR code for Real Estate solution.

Friday, February 25, 2011

QR Code Real Estate - NY city will be using qr codes for construction permits

NYC has stepped into the QR code world with QR codes for its city construction permits.  What a fantastic use for QR codes.  Passers by will be able to scan the QR codes near the constructions sites and instantly have access to all of the pertinent details regarding the ongoing construction.  They will be able to see the scope of the work to be done, who owns the property, etc.

Other major municipalities and city's are sure to follow in NYC's footsteps.  QR code adoption rates are going to continue skyrocketing in all facets of life.

People want instant information and QR codes are a great way for people to get them.

Learn how real estate and QR codes can be combined easily and robustly here 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

QR code real estate - customers flier

One of our new customers just sent her flier to us.  She put the UPC code right on her flyer with directions to go to our website.  This is a great way to incorporate QR codes into your marketing material.

Check out her listings at

Learn more from us at

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

QR Code Real Estate - The coveted re-usable QR code

Reusability, a lost component in QR codes.  One of the worst things about QR codes is their usability.  You put a URL in a QR code and it will sure as heck always point to that URL.

Once you haver a QR code out their or on something your only avenue to change what people see is to change the actual destination webpage right? WRONG! "UPC" offers reusable QR codes to go along with their already robust real estate qr codes.

When you are entering in property information for one of your houses with UPC there is a small checkbox (near the bottom) on the left hand side that says "Make this UPC code link to a webpage".  Check that button and a URL box pops up that you put the destination URL into. 

When you no longer want that UPC code to point to that destination, simply log in to UPC and change the destination URL.  Those hundreds of QR codes that you just emailed out can change content as often as you like!

Re-Usable QR codes are great and UPC offers them.

Monday, February 21, 2011

QR Code Real Estate - Mobile barcode usage up 201% in 6 months

In my daily seach for new and exciting information on QR codes in real estate I ran across a staggering statistic in the Mobile barcode market.  Usage of mobile barcodes went up 201% in 6 months!

The whole news release can be read here
Mobile barcode usage is now.  QR codes are going to get bigger and bigger every day.

Use them to your advantage in whatever industry you work in.  If you work in real estate, check out this website for qr codes for real estate.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Zillow estimates - Bad for consumer?

I decided to take a short break from looking at QR codes in real estate to blog about Zillows accuracy in predicting a home price.

Last week at a presentation given by Chris showed an audience of Realtors (who already hate zillow) a chart showing how off the mark they are.  The chart is available for anyone to view on Zillows site.  Here it is.
Being a local Phoenix guy that's house is under water, I love to know how much my house is worth and used to pop on to Zillow from time to time to check it out.  If I had known these stats then I would not have wasted my time.  This chart is the kind of ammunition that Realtors need when they walk into a prospects home that has just got their Zillow estimate.

Several great articles have been written talking about these very same accuracy charts.

Morale of the story - You need a realtor to help you with your home value.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

QR Code Real Estate - QR vs AR for real estate

Are QR codes in Real Estate going to last or is everything moving towards Augmented Reality?  AR is coming very fast and much quicker than anyone has expected.  Zip Realty has an app that you hold up your phone and look around in a circle to see what homes are for sale around you.  Is AR going to eliminate QR codes?

I think not.  I think QR codes are replacing the real estate flier.  They make the paper flier obsolete.  Home searching will become AR dominant.  People will dirve around with their phones and search neighborhoods for the home they want.  However, when someone is strolling the neighborhood and see's a sign they will impulse scan the home to get all of the information for only that home.  Not the 5 or 6 around the corner.  Just that home.  Augmented Reality and whatever comes next after that will be very very innovative but I think the QR code will be a standard for every real estate sign out there.

What do you think?  QR codes for real estate are here to stay? Or will they go?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Is there a disconnect between the age of realtors and new home buyers? Are QR codes for Real Estate a bridge?

We gave a presentation this morning in a John Hall & Associates office regarding our QR codes for Real Estate.  The presentation went fairly well but there were a few things I noticed.  Many of the agents were older and only a few seemed to be in their 30's or 40's. 

Assuming the NAR statistics are accurate the average age of a new home buyer is 34.  The average age of an agent is 56.  There is a gap in communication between these generations.  It is easy for a 20-30 year old to text someone to find out some information.  Some 50-60 year olds don't like to communicate this way.  QR codes may be a way for agents to communicate with the younger generations. 

Agents are accustomed to entering in their listing information online and uploading pictures, etc.  If they are able to do this then they can put a QR code on their real estate sign that will shout at the younger generations!  All they have to do is enter in their listing information and our service will do the rest for only $1 per month. 

They put the code on their sign rider and instantly they are hip with technology and attracting a whole new younger buyer pool.  There is no headache with QR codes.  They are simple to use and with a good service, can be implemented immediately.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

QR Code Real Estate - Robin in Michigan adopts QR codes early

In our continuing marketing efforts I sent a unsolicited email to Robin Stressman (a realtor in Michigan).  I pitched our QR code product ( and received a response back.  She wrote "I have one on my sign for quite a while".  I was intrigued.  Early adopters in the QR code real estate industry are few and far between.

I delved in to find out more.  I was not shocked at all to find out that Robin had many listings and a very active brokerage firm.  Robins website shows many of her listings along with video tours and ample pictures of her properties.

Her current QR code usage is directed towards getting people to her website.  Very technological.

Our QR code solution is different in that it displays specific property information about the property on the users iphone or android device.

If you or anyone you know are looking to sell real estate in Michigan.  Let them know about the brokerage company that was using QR codes first!  Visit her online at

Learn more about our QR Code Real Estate signs at

QR Code Real Estate - Who is going to want to scan a QR code

Yesterday we were at the Westin Kierland listening to Max Pigman with and  They discussed the topic of QR Code Real Estate scanning.  He gave an interesting statistic, over the holidays how many people scanned a QR code 5 or more times (twitter and facebook users, so granted the polling audience is already a bit technical).  40% of respondents said they did indeed scan QR codes and another huge percentage wanted to!

If you were walking by a home for sale would you rather grab a flyer, or scan a QR code?  The answer right now has to be that someone would rather grab a flyer.  Younger first time home buyers may want to scan the code.  50% of homes sold today are first time home buyers.  The average age of them is 34!  As a real estate agent you need to communicate with your buyers in an effective way.  Texting and QR code real estate signs are a very decent way to get in touch with potential customers.

QR Code Real Estate - replacing the flyer

What caused us to put a QR code on a Real Estate sign? About a year and half ago my partners and I thought, "These signs around town and in front of houses don't really say much".  They are absolutely everywhere and say very little.  Some people try to cram as much info on their sign as possible.  We have all seen the 5 riders hanging all the way to the ground with "3 bed 2 ba"  "Diving Pool" "Must See". 

How the heck do we get more information on to those signs?  Then we found out about QR codes.  Those beautiful little codes can say so much in so little space.  First month open for business and we have 13 customers in 9 states.  We made a really easy system.

We made a pretty simple way to make a QR Code Real Estate sign. 

About Me

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Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
We provide QR codes for real estate. Easy to use interface and code gets emailed to you instantly. Try us out, $1 per month