Thursday, February 10, 2011

QR Code Real Estate - Robin in Michigan adopts QR codes early

In our continuing marketing efforts I sent a unsolicited email to Robin Stressman (a realtor in Michigan).  I pitched our QR code product ( and received a response back.  She wrote "I have one on my sign for quite a while".  I was intrigued.  Early adopters in the QR code real estate industry are few and far between.

I delved in to find out more.  I was not shocked at all to find out that Robin had many listings and a very active brokerage firm.  Robins website shows many of her listings along with video tours and ample pictures of her properties.

Her current QR code usage is directed towards getting people to her website.  Very technological.

Our QR code solution is different in that it displays specific property information about the property on the users iphone or android device.

If you or anyone you know are looking to sell real estate in Michigan.  Let them know about the brokerage company that was using QR codes first!  Visit her online at

Learn more about our QR Code Real Estate signs at

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Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
We provide QR codes for real estate. Easy to use interface and code gets emailed to you instantly. Try us out, $1 per month