Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Is there a disconnect between the age of realtors and new home buyers? Are QR codes for Real Estate a bridge?

We gave a presentation this morning in a John Hall & Associates office regarding our QR codes for Real Estate.  The presentation went fairly well but there were a few things I noticed.  Many of the agents were older and only a few seemed to be in their 30's or 40's. 

Assuming the NAR statistics are accurate the average age of a new home buyer is 34.  The average age of an agent is 56.  There is a gap in communication between these generations.  It is easy for a 20-30 year old to text someone to find out some information.  Some 50-60 year olds don't like to communicate this way.  QR codes may be a way for agents to communicate with the younger generations. 

Agents are accustomed to entering in their listing information online and uploading pictures, etc.  If they are able to do this then they can put a QR code on their real estate sign that will shout at the younger generations!  All they have to do is enter in their listing information and our service will do the rest for only $1 per month. 

They put the code on their sign rider and instantly they are hip with technology and attracting a whole new younger buyer pool.  There is no headache with QR codes.  They are simple to use and with a good service, can be implemented immediately.


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Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
We provide QR codes for real estate. Easy to use interface and code gets emailed to you instantly. http://Universalpropertycode.com Try us out, $1 per month