Thursday, February 24, 2011

QR code real estate - customers flier

One of our new customers just sent her flier to us.  She put the UPC code right on her flyer with directions to go to our website.  This is a great way to incorporate QR codes into your marketing material.

Check out her listings at

Learn more from us at

1 comment:

  1. We just developed a QR application for Zillow listings. The service is free. Once registered, you can enter the Zillow URL for any property, our application will generate the QR code, which you can post it on the "for sale" signs. Anyone with a smart phone can scan the code and check out property details.

    The application is at Any suggestions are welcome!


About Me

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Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
We provide QR codes for real estate. Easy to use interface and code gets emailed to you instantly. Try us out, $1 per month