Wednesday, February 16, 2011

QR Code Real Estate - QR vs AR for real estate

Are QR codes in Real Estate going to last or is everything moving towards Augmented Reality?  AR is coming very fast and much quicker than anyone has expected.  Zip Realty has an app that you hold up your phone and look around in a circle to see what homes are for sale around you.  Is AR going to eliminate QR codes?

I think not.  I think QR codes are replacing the real estate flier.  They make the paper flier obsolete.  Home searching will become AR dominant.  People will dirve around with their phones and search neighborhoods for the home they want.  However, when someone is strolling the neighborhood and see's a sign they will impulse scan the home to get all of the information for only that home.  Not the 5 or 6 around the corner.  Just that home.  Augmented Reality and whatever comes next after that will be very very innovative but I think the QR code will be a standard for every real estate sign out there.

What do you think?  QR codes for real estate are here to stay? Or will they go?

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Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
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