Thursday, February 10, 2011

QR Code Real Estate - Who is going to want to scan a QR code

Yesterday we were at the Westin Kierland listening to Max Pigman with and  They discussed the topic of QR Code Real Estate scanning.  He gave an interesting statistic, over the holidays how many people scanned a QR code 5 or more times (twitter and facebook users, so granted the polling audience is already a bit technical).  40% of respondents said they did indeed scan QR codes and another huge percentage wanted to!

If you were walking by a home for sale would you rather grab a flyer, or scan a QR code?  The answer right now has to be that someone would rather grab a flyer.  Younger first time home buyers may want to scan the code.  50% of homes sold today are first time home buyers.  The average age of them is 34!  As a real estate agent you need to communicate with your buyers in an effective way.  Texting and QR code real estate signs are a very decent way to get in touch with potential customers.

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Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
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